Monday, December 18, 2006

Info on the school we are helping

Andrew Jackson Elementary is the result of the post Katrina reorganization of the schools in St. Bernard Parish (Parish in Lousiana is like our county, not a religious organization).

Prior to Katrina there were three high schools, three middle schools and seven elementary schools. Now there is one high school and one elementary school. The elementary is the one with which we are working. Andrew Jackson is housed in one of the former high school, and holds 2,000 students.

St. Bernard's Parish had 65,000 residents before the storm fifteen months ago, and today has 20,000. It was the hardest hit of all parishes, with no home, school, or business left unflooded or destroyed.

There are many deserving people and organizations in the area, but our fourth grade class at Granby Elementary wanted to connect with another fourth grade. There are eleven fourth grades in Andrew Jackson. It looks like we have found a group which is truly in need.

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